Kansas State University Foundation Campus


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Kansas State University Foundation Campus

“PRAIRIE STORM”, the concept for Phase One of the K-State University Foundation business campus showcases the Kansas prairie vernacular through dynamic wind forms that mimic the seasonal storms that are part of the regional life.

Prior to finalizing the Phase 1 landscape plan, LAND3 Studio studied the larger Foundation Campus as a complete Landscape Master Plan. The campus, located east on Kimball Ave from the new football stadium, will be the location for the Foundation’s main offices and on football season weekends, tailgating and alumni gatherings.

Views from the building’s west plaza and balcony toward the stadium were kept open while the rest of the site is populated with sweeping bands of native plantings. Native grassland species were selected for a majority of the site. Purple themed perennial beds enhance the University pride.

LocationManhattan, Kansas
PartnershipsHoefer Welker